January 27, 2007


After a quick stint with BlogMax I’ve now settled on Hobix. I had to get the latest SVN sources for it to work correctly. It looks like it does pretty much what I want to do and will be more easily extensible than BlogMax was. I’ve even started working on a set of Emacs Lisp functions that will let me create, edit and post all without leaving the Emacs OS. Hooray!

Hobix doesn’t (at least by default) organize the raw posts in a YYYY/MM/DD directory tree, but I’ve decided that’s for the better. Instead it puts them all in blog/entries, using subdirectories for categories. I think this is better; this way the path to an entry contains information about the entry, which will make it easier to go back and find entries later, if need be.

I can’t say I’m excited about the YAML mode that I found for Emacs; it doesn’t do any sort of indentation or formatting. I’ll have to fix that or find a better mode.