January 27, 2007

the { buckblogs :here }

Unless you haven’t been paying attention to me for the past year or so (who am I kidding, you haven’t) you’ll know that I have a thing for this crazy language called Ruby and the MVC framework that started the Ruby Craze, Ruby on Rails.

I’m always searching for new resources for learning new things about Ruby and Rails and I’ve recently stumbled on Jamis Buck’s blog the { bucklogs :here }. From his own about blurb, “Jamis Buck is a software developer who has the good fortune to be both employed by 37signals and counted among those who maintain the Ruby on Rails web framework,” so he knows his shit when it comes to Ruby and Rails.

Just now I’m reading his post Skinny Controller, Fat Model, which is a good description of how MVC should work. Judging by this this post and the others I’ve seen there, his blog is a good resource for Ruby, Rails and general web-appy thinking.