April 29, 2008

ProFont on Debian Etch

ProFont is my favorite monospaced programming font. You can see it in this shot here:


For my own future reference, here’s how you get ProFont working in Debian Etch:

cd tmp
wget http://www.tobiasjung.net/download.php?file=ProFontWinTweaked.zip
wget http://www.tobiasjung.net/download.php?file=profont-x11.tar.gz
unzip ProFontWinTweaked.zip
tar xzvf profont-x11.tar.gz
sudo cp ProFontWinTweaked/ProFontWindows.ttf /usr/local/share/fonts
sudo cp profont-x11/* /usr/local/share/fonts
sudo fc-cache -fv
sudo mkfontdir /usr/local/share/fonts

Finally, add the following line to /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the Files section

FontPath "/usr/local/share/fonts"

then restart X.