November 23, 2011
A Red Letter Day
After 276 days, Achewood is back.
After 276 days, Achewood is back.
Read the comments (via. Waxy)
Megyn Kelly on nightsticks: “It’s an olive branch, essentially!”
Sam Harris talks about violence, self defense and how likely we are to do the wrong thing in dangerous situations:
It may seem onerous to prepare yourself and your family to respond to violence, but not doing so is also a form of preparation. Failing to prepare is, generally speaking, preparing very well to do the wrong thing. Although most of us are good at recognizing danger, our instincts often lead us to behave in ways that increase our chances of being injured or killed once a threat emerges.
Not from The Onion:
Some new Flaming Lips tracks that, apparently, were once encased in gummy skulls [via Some Kind of Awesome]:
Drug Chart:
In Our Bodies, In Our Heads:
Walk With Me:
Hilary’s Time Machine Machine: