February 28, 2007

IM Conversation of the Day

Andrew: So what about this whole Gore mansion fiasco? Andrew: Think it’ll actually hurt him? Or fizzle out fast? Me: Fizzle fast Me: It won’t hurt him with the people he’s working to convince. Me: And face it: he wouldn’t have any credibility if he lived like an ascetic hermit. Me: The environmental movement needs someone who can show that you can “make a difference without becoming a hippie.”

January 27, 2007

Climate Change Isn't Local

Reddit had a link to a Think Progress (left wing reactionary blog) post titled Fox News Segment Falsely Claims That Denver Blizzard Casts Doubt On Global Warming this morning. The article has an embedded video that includes the host, Neil Cavuto asking “if more of those who support global warming did not live in the East Coast … they might have a different take on things?” Of course he received an affirmative reply. Read more