February 4, 2007

Amazon Links

So, Typo can do automatic Amazon links. Like this one for Freaks and Geeks, which I’m watching now. It’s a fantastic show.

January 31, 2007

Emacs Markdown Functions

Typo supports Markdown, which is super sweet. I far prefer it to Textile. The only problem with Typo is that I have yet to find a good Emacs XML-RPC mode/library that work with Typo, so I’ve decided to compose my blog entries in Emacs as Markdown and then add them to the blog when I’m done. This may have the added effect of making me think more about what I’m writing. Read more

January 28, 2007

Hello Typo!

I’ve switched this blog to Typo. this is exciting and fun and it means that you can comment without waiting for me to read your email and add it to the post. It only took one day of that for me to get tired of it. All the old content is still here except for the few comments that were left; for that I apologize. But I won’t apologize for anything else! Read more

January 27, 2007


Here’s a reminder to myself to check out The Battle for Wesnoth when I get home. That’s all.

January 27, 2007

Cleaning House

I’ve commenced cleaning house and moving everything to the goterkyourself.com domain … both http://rain.xidus.net and http://cs-people.bu.edu/jterk – the two other locations I had on the web – now redirect to http://goterkyourself.com. It’s a small change, for now, and a bunch of old stuff (from rain.xidus.net primarily) is now “missing.” But I have it saved and, in the coming {days,weeks,months} I’ll move it all to goterkyourself.com (and the various sub domains) and, hopefully, setup permanent redirects from the places they used to be. Read more

January 27, 2007

Comments Are Go!

I added a rudimentary commenting system to GTY today. If you navigate to the page for an individual entry (by clicking on the entry title) you will be greeted with a comment form on the bottom of the page. Your comment will not appear immediately but don’t despair! The form sends me an e-mail for each comment and I have to manually add that to the blog. This is the easiest way for me to implement comments and it will help avoid a deluge of comment spam … at least for you, my faithful reader; I’m sure my inbox will promptly fill up with advertisements for v14gr4. Read more

January 27, 2007

Stay DRY

Never, ever forget to stay DRY. Getting wet is just too painful.

January 27, 2007

the { buckblogs :here }

Unless you haven’t been paying attention to me for the past year or so (who am I kidding, you haven’t) you’ll know that I have a thing for this crazy language called Ruby and the MVC framework that started the Ruby Craze, Ruby on Rails. I’m always searching for new resources for learning new things about Ruby and Rails and I’ve recently stumbled on Jamis Buck’s blog the { bucklogs :here }. Read more

January 27, 2007

The Hitchings Factor

It seems I always learn about a new blog by looking at my referrals. Seth started a blog. Now, I’m all for clever names and whatnot but he’s going to be in big trouble when Bill O’Reilly hears about this.